Saturday, August 3, 2013

nothing but faith!

 sometimes there is NOTHING else but faith. When you are hurt..when you are angry... when nothing makes sense. WTF when a young woman needlessly dies! WTF when you sit in the dark trying to figure it out.. and you are so far down the food chain of hurt and despair.. the collateral damage of death... how far reaching are the tentacles of the evil walking among us. Taking mothers from their children, sisters from their family, wives from their husbands.. a good woman from her community. Who is sobbing tonight raging at God, who let prayer fall on seemingly deaf ears! WTF . I hurt and I am afraid! Who is next? Why is there a next? Hope deferred makes the heart sick! It says so in the bible. Hope is fragile and hides itself away. We have to look for it... sometimes we are someone else's hope... sometimes we need someone to share their hope with us. Sometimes we just need to love someone who you wouldn't think needs it. otherwise WTF... 
I am angry! I am hurting! I am scared! My heart is sad. I am praying God hears my prayer. And like the mustard seed hope will rise up from the ashes.. A family will heal, A heart will hurt less, love will prevail.

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